

Don't uncross them just yet!

Thanks for the finger crossing. It worked. Well, sort-of. You may need to continue for the next two weeks!

You see, my mom has been a hairstylist all her life, and a salon owner for a little over 10 years now. Great, awesome, fantastic huh? Not so much. She still cuts hair, she has a full clientele, so while she spends normal business hours behind the chair, she also has to go home and manage the business. It's wore her out, and while she wants to continue styling she's over the whole 'owning the business' part of it.

We've had her salon up for sale, and while we've had quite a few bites... most people seem to flake out and never call back or what not. She met with "really interested potential buyer" #4 last night to talk about things. 
We were hoping the new lease papers would be signed and my poor overworked momma could finally breathe a sigh of relief but apparently this lady is still working things out, and is aiming for the end of the month. So please, keep us in your thoughts! I'm really hoping my mom can be free of the added stress by the time her first grandbaby gets here!

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