

Update your readers!

Hey lovelies! Just wanted to post a reminder that my personal blog has moved to Hello Miss Chelsea - please join me over there!

This blog will slowly but surely becoming a craft blog - please feel free to remain a follower here too but I won't be posting many personal goodies here, just the nitty gritty! =)


Brittany said...

You know I already followed you over :)

*Maybe* Baby ♥ Mama said...

Our journey has begun!... secretly though =) 

If I’ve left you this message, you’re a follower of my original blog. Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post now up. I’d love for you to stop by. 

Exciting things going on around here!

~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama