

Something to remember

I'm not going to lie - I don't go to church, and I honestly can't say I've been since I was in elementary school. I am not completely sure of my beliefs and am not posting this to start a big debate, but ever since ChrisChris shared this quote with me a few months ago I continuously find my mind wandering back to it...

To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
When God takes something from your grasp he's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you


Brittany said...

I don't go to church and I'm not completely sure of my beliefs either so don't put yourself down about that. It's strange though because I went to Catholic school during my elementary years and to church for every major holiday. I'm not sure what happened.

That is such a great quote though. Very true. Maybe we should try living by it :)

Beth McC. said...

Wow this really hit home with me today! Thanks for posting it today!

Jessica said...

Like this quote a lot ;

found you through Beth ^^


Sam said...

I really like this quote. I feel as though I can really relate. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across your blog today. I want to say that I am a Christian and I do attend church regularly and God has been very good to me and this quote is oh so true. I, like every single one of us, am not perfect. I am 44 years old and I spent a great deal of my 20's and 30's not going to church and not knowing what a real relationship with God is like. I can honestly say had I known what that relationship was like and what it means then my life would have been completely different.That's not to say I didn't go through the trials and choices I've been through for a reason. I do believe there is a reason and God has been using me to make a difference in other peoples lives - like the single moms ministry I started at church where my past hurts and experiences helped some other young ladies through some really difficult and lonely times. All that to say...I think if this quote is speaking to you it's because God is speaking to your heart and calling you to get to know what He's all about and what He really wants for you in your life. Maybe it's time to find out what that's all about. I'll pray for you to seek out and find out what knowing God and growing how He wants you to grow will mean to your life. I can say every single day is filled with amazing love from the frienships I have and my Godly husband is such a blessing to me and I'm happier than I've ever been in my entire life and even though I don't know you I wish those same things for you. I'll be praying.

Tori Bella said...

I love beautiful quotes that can be meaningful irregardless of what you believe. I was literally just saying something like this to a friend today.

Brittany said...

I love the quote in its entirety just as much! How beautiful!

Thank you so much for sharing this with me! ;)