

Fabric picked out!

We got our month assignments for the Fussy Cut Bee last week - Ive been hunting for the perfect fabric ever since! My month isn't til May, but I still was anxious to pick some out!

I didn't want to use a Heather Ross print, even though she is like the quintessential "fussy cut" fabric goddess and have been trying to find something else. I don't have a pattern picked out yet, I might just send the fabric and let people do whatever they desire. Regardless, I love love LOVE my fabric... here it is...

Ah I die. Look at that gorgeous face hidden in the flowers! And the eye in the apple in the bottom right corner. Fussy cut written all over it! I can't wait to get it in the mail and match it to some coordinating prints!  I got this "Lady in the Canyon" beaut from the ReproDepot, at $11.95/half yard it was a bit steep but, cmon, doesn't love know no bounds?!

I'm off to get ready for my Lovey Dovey day suprise with ChrisChris! Hope you all have an awesome day!

1 comment:

JB and Jane said...

Love it! Can't wait to work on your blocks.
Think I will fold and use heather ross though.